Business Battles: Reality or Perspective?
When I open my closet some mornings, it seems odd that my wardrobe doesn’t simply consist of camouflage and military fatigues. It feels like I’m suiting up for business battles…
When I open my closet some mornings, it seems odd that my wardrobe doesn’t simply consist of camouflage and military fatigues. It feels like I’m suiting up for business battles…
If you’ve followed my blog, you know that I’m constantly finding inspiration throughout my day-to-day life. I find these lessons to help me be a better business owner and a…
Abuse within professional relationships is a tricky subject to tackle and overcoming it is even deeper. The writing process behind these articles has been a bit of an emotional one….
During our last blog, we tackled the tough subject matter of workplace abuse in professional relationships. We addressed how to spot the red flags that might indicate you’ve got an…
Whenever I visit a doctor’s office, a bank, or even a fast-food drive-thru, I’ll often encounter signs that state plainly, “Abusive behaviour or language toward our staff will not be…
You work hard. Really hard. You receive excellent feedback from your clients and customers on a regular basis. You’re constantly burning the midnight oil to make sure everything is taken…
If you’ve ever had a conversation with a toddler, you know that what sounds like gibberish to the untrained ear often hides surprisingly insightful, funny or touching messages from these…
Coming up with authentic, quality content for your blog or online marketing can certainly feel like a struggle sometimes. You may start to wonder if you have anything new to…
This summer on my Instagram feed I posted a video of my son that is 1) really adorable but also 2) (more relevant here) inspiring to me as an entrepreneur….
How to Handle the Situation With Grace When You’re Judged Unfairly I had just finished up a meeting with a client and their own clients were arriving in the board…